What We Offer

Lobster Fishing
During your cruise on Lulu, experience a sample of the life and work of the Maine lobstermen (or lobsterwomen!). Watch a demonstration of how lobster traps are hauled. We’ll describe all the parts of a lobster trap and how the lobsters (and many other sea creatures) find their way to the bait inside. Learn all about the anatomy and life cycle of the Maine lobster. For example, did you know that lobsters smell with their leg hairs?

Cruising on Lulu is like making the prettiest coastal Maine postcard come to life. See different privately-owned islands up close. Observe sea birds, bald eagles, and other marine wildlife in their natural environment. View beautiful summer cottages along the shores of Mount Desert Island. When sea conditions permit, many tours cruise very close to Egg Rock Light, one of Maine’s most picturesque lighthouses.

Seal Watching
Seal watching is the best on Lulu. Unlike the larger tour boats, Lulu can slowly and quietly approach the rock ledges where the seals rest at the lower tides. They think Lulu is just another of the hundreds of lobster boats they see every day. So, they are not frightened back into the water and remain on the rocks while Lulu’s passengers delight in watching their activities.